London Digital Signage Week took place May 16-20, 2016 and like its counterpart in New York, the week included different events like the Daily DOOH Summit, the “Programmatic Buying and Marketplace” workshop etc… This event was aimed at software companies for digital out of home and retail.
For the first time, Adrian Coterill and Russ Curry from DailyDOOH held debate sessions on Wednesday May 18, focused on programmatic buying & marketplaces. Mereo, creator of a Yield management software, partnered this event. The company was represented by Elias Bauguil – Innovation Director, and David Giudici – Sales Director.
The participants – media sales houses and key players of the DOOH industry – tackled the key topic of Revenue Management, or how to optimize revenue for sales houses while guaranteeing the satisfaction of their clients (media agencies and advertisers).
During the session, Laurent Dauron, Revenue Manager at Lagardère Publicité (leading French radio sales house) presented his vision of Revenue Management. He explained how important Mereo’s Revenue Management software had become for Lagardère over the last 10 years. Mereo’s Revenue or Yield Management System allowed them to build client segments, analyze and optimize each project’s profitability and guarantee client satisfaction. Price & Place, Mereo’s new software, even includes cross-media client and campaign management.
These interactive debate sessions also dealt with the rise of a new type of player in the industry – marketplaces. Are they solely a new distribution channel for sales houses, or can they become a competitor ? Are they disruptive and will they usher in a new economic model ?
Programmatic Buying is a concept that still remains ambiguous for many. Some simply define it as a use of technologies in the buying process, while others go further and include automation of selling based on predefined rules.
Elias Bauguil, Mereo’s representative at this debate session, shed some light on on programmatic buying and pointed out the benefits and risks for a traditional (OOH) or digital (DOOH) sales house to sell all or part of its inventory on a Marketplace.
Mereo’s Revenue Management software is used by leading French sales house such as JC Decaux and MediaTransport to analyze sales data, predict future demand and build client segments, in order to fix the best price for each new campaign.
Analyzing this data and applying rules specific to each sales house allows sales representatives to serve every client’s demand in real-time, taking into account the needs and constraints of their campaign.
Mereo’s Revenue Management System supports sales strategy, whatever the sales channel : direct, external sales house, or marketplace.
Assessing and optimizing the value of their assets at all times based on demand is a key issue for sales houses.
Mereo’s software – Price & Place – optimizes revenue for sales houses by predicting future demand. It provides floor and recommended prices for each campaign, taking into account client value. Price & Place maximizes profitability for the sales house while guaranteeing client satisfaction.
The following video provides a detailed presentation of Mereo by Elias Bauguil.